Please use this form to submit your script. Scripts sent via email or post will not be accepted. Please ensure you have read the guidelines on our website before completing this form and submitting your script. Scripts that do not meet Druid guidelines will be deemed ineligible.
The information you provide here will be used for the purposes of contacting you in relation to your script. This information will be stored for one year on a password protected computer, after which time it will be deleted. This information will never be passed to a third party. Please only include your personal information here, not on your script. Scripts are read blind and the inclusion of personal information on your script will render it ineligible.
Please check the boxes once you are certain you have satisfied these conditions. Reminder: if your name is not removed from your submission, it will be deemed ineligible.
Please ensure your name does not appear anywhere on the script.
This section helps us to understand the people who are sending us scripts and it will shape our new writing programme in future. This information is optional and has no bearing on the assessment of your submission - all of our scripts are read blind. This information will not be passed on to third parties, nor will it ever be used for the purposes of targeted marketing.